This was a paper I had to write for my Public Speaking class. I felt it would be a good blog post to share. I have added a few things that I left out of the final draft.
My life's advice to those in need
To start things off, I would like to mention some history of myself. I was born and raised in Utah. I have been outside of the country once, and lived in another state for work once. I was born as a premature baby. Born February 9, 1983. I was 11 weeks early. This was very unheard of back in the day. I was in the hospital for the first three months after being born. My father would come to the hospital every day on his lunch break just to visit me, knowing that I may not be around the next day. I had many health problems growing up. My lung capacity isn’t the same as the majority of other individuals. That being said growing up, I couldn’t do all the activities as others. It was tough, but as I grew up, I learned to adjust.
Growing up in a family that cared so much for my well being has been a blessing. It’s been a blessing that I have personally taken advantage of in many ways. Like many of us, I faced challenges growing up. I went through many battles and obstacles in life. As a teenager I rebelled in many ways. I can remember how I thought it would be cool to smoke a cigarette, not come home from curfew on time (or come home at all), go to parties that I knew wouldn’t be uplifting. These things carried on into high school, and beyond.
Five years ago I decided that I should be completely on my own. In 2005 I dropped out of college and was still partying. Two years later I moved in with a friend who had recently purchased a house. We turned it into a party house. I had become completely inactive with my religion. I felt free in a way. No more doing what others wanted me to do. I was doing what I wanted to do, and I enjoyed it.
Things went smooth for a few months. I then started noticing health problems reoccurring. I was having trouble breathing. I would wake up in the middle of night coughing and tying to breathe. Shortly after, I had then decided I should get into shape. I started going to the gym. I started going about 1-2 days a week, as I continued this, I would progress and go more frequently. 1-2 days turned into 4-5 days. I noticed as this was happening, my interest in my party lifestyle started changing. I didn’t have the desire or want to do certain things anymore.
If I could give advice to people, and have them remember what I have to offer them, I would say that you can accomplish anything. If you desire change in your life, start with something simple. If I would have just jumped into going to the gym right away, everyday of the week. I eventually would have given up, nobody likes change. Change requires effort. If you have a goal in mind, start it in a small portion for a couple weeks. Then take that goal and increase it the next month.
It is truly a great and amazing feeling you get when you accomplish something that you have put so much time into, and to hear people complement you on it is an even better feeling.
Over the years growing up, and facing things on my own, I have met many people that have come to be influences, and life long friends. For me, changing (as is for anyone) takes obedience, and patience. Continuing to stay in shape and going to the gym has changed my life in ways I never imagined. It has lead me to choose a career path, brought me closer to family, and friends, brought me closer to my faith and religion, and has given me more confidence to complete other goals that I may set for my future. In 2011 I decided to give college another run. I felt that this was a big, and much needed change.
At least once a week I will get someone coming to me in the work place asking me for advice on fitness. It makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. That feeds me even more desire to continue what I am doing. I love being an example to others. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, or even strangers. I know as individuals we can accomplish anything. We all need a little push. Find what that push is for you. What do you enjoy most in your life? Take that and feed off of it for the goal(s) you have. Don’t let go of it! I can guarantee that if you take what you love as a motivation tool, you can, and you will accomplish what you want in your life.
There is no such thing as the perfect person. Everybody has flaws, we all have our vices that we deal with on a daily basses. It is common to slip into those habits again, because they are a part of what we use to be. We have the opportunity to change. Being a full-time college student, and working a full-time job has put a damper on my level of fitness activity. It is very stressful at times. As much as I would like to (at the given moment) with such a busy lifestyle, I don’t have the time to spend two hours a day at the gym. I new this would be the case by taking my first full-time semester in college in over six years. So I decided to take a fitness class. Granted, it’s not the fitness class that I really desire, but at the same time it still allows me to keep myself in decent shape. I may not be at the gym building muscle every day, but I still manage on keeping myself healthy. I believe that setting goals is a positive motion that many don’t take advantage of. It will motivate you in ways you couldn’t even imagine. I hope that this finds interest in whomever reads this in the future, and can take this to heart. In closing, there is a quote that I would like to share with you from one of my favorite bands. I love sharing it with others because no matter what we are going through in life, there is always someone who has it worse. “Stay positive, and love your life” -311.
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