Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Do I dare talk about IT?...

That's right, dating! Where to start, Well.. I have been thinking a lot about my views and thoughts on dating the past month. I feel these things need to be said. What better place to share it then on my blog!
I find dating to be very challenging for myself. So many people at my work ask me why I am still single. Well.. I can think of a few things. I am not putting myself down by ANY means when I say this. Girls these days are looking for security, and comfort. I have made some choices and mistakes in my past, that put things on hold. Such as schooling. When it all comes down to it, it was my choice. We all have our vices we deal with. It took me longer then I wanted, to get in the position that I am today. I wouldn't change it one bit. I have learned many things from mistakes I have made, they have only made me stronger. I find it hard at times being 29, and just starting school (because of what I mentioned earlier, "security".) Most girls of the age 23 and above, are looking for a man almost done with school, and looking/in a career. (Again.. these are my views based on experience).
With security comes height of a man. Girls like guys that have an advantage over them, they don't want to be taller then the guy they date. it makes them feel insecure. Nobody wants to date someone who looks like they are 17. I am 29, and look like I'm still in high school haha. Good thing about this is I will look 20 when I'm 40 :)
I think a lot of people might relate to this part. I am going to share a bit about myself when it comes to me liking someone. If I am attracted to a girl, or interested in dating her, I will tend to hide my true self. (I think that's why everyone at work that knows me is taken back when they find out I am single)
It takes me a good while to warm up and become myself (we are talking like a few dates) Hence one of the reasons why it is hard to get a second, or third date.
When I meet girls and I am not feeling a connection. I am completely myself. That makes it hard for me because then they end up getting feelings for me down the road. That's not always a bad thing, but it has never worked to my advantage.
Another thing I have noticed with me in dating lately. I have started focusing on personality of an individual. (granted, I need to be attracted to the person). I'm talking about personal goals. Religious views. This stuff means so much to me, because it is what TRULY matters most in a person. Looks are the first thing to go, but personality, and values usually stay the same.
I set a age limit on dating. I will not date anyone under the age of 23.This rule is new as of this year. (you'll have to be very convincing if you want to date me haha) The reasoning behind this is.... I use to focus on trying to get the young girls. (because those are the ones that would show interest in me) I'm taking 18 and up. (so they say they are 18 haha). I would take what I could get. It took me a while to realize that these girls don't want what I want. They just want to play, and have fun! I don't blame them. Like all of us single people out there, I know we think about this often. If we just do what WE KNOW we should be doing, then when the time is right. It will happen.
Back in 2009, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second counselor in the First Presidency of the LDS church gave a CES fireside talk that I will never forget. I have shared this with some before, and I would like to share it with all you bloggers out there haha. Anybody reading this that is struggling with dating (or just for fun) I encourage you to read this talk. It might enlighten you they way it had enlightened me years ago.
Well.. I just wanted to mention a fw things. Now you all know my dating views, and where I stand.
Till next time
Much love!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Summer is creeping in! (Well...soon enough)

Hello again! SO... on my last post I mentioned that 4 things make me the person I am. On this post I want to talk about the last 2. Which happen to be music, and sports/athletics.
Back in February ( valentines day to be exact) I got really sick. I hadn't been this sick in a long time. I broke out in hives from head to toe for a whole week. it was horrible. I couldn't eat, and it was so hard to get comfortable. To make a long story short. During the time I was sick I lost 6lbs. It was mostly strength. The doctor put me on a steroid to reduce the swelling of the hives. Anyway.. Being on the meds for 10 days I gained about 10lbs. It all went to my belly haha. I'm sure you can imagine this little guy with a gut. It was the funniest thing. My roommates lived it up! Even my co-workers would point at my belly and laugh, it was pretty rad! My apatite was ridiculousness! I couldn't stop eating. If only I had pictures haha!
Well.. Before I decided to go back to school last year, I was going to the gym 6 days a week. When school started last August, It went from 6 to 3 days a week. Then 2 days a week. Then... I stopped going for about a month or so ugh.
The past month it seems I have let silly things get in the way of my personal goals. It's time to step it up a notch and kick it back in gear. I have been slacking a bit in my school work, and other endeavors (such as the gym, and being more active).
I have set some new goals for when the semester is over in things I want/need to focus on. I have started going back to the gym. I have gone 5 days a week the past 2 weeks. (Still trying to work off this little belly haha) I want to Maintain that through the rest of the semester and also through the summer. I need to set certain things aside for the rest of the semester, and really focus on my schooling. when summer arrives, I also want to get more involved in sports, such as basketball, wakeboarding, and anything else that catches my eye.
Another big thing I need to do is get my self more involved in music. Most of you all know how obsessed I am with music. I have put this off long enough! I want to spend more time playing my drums, and become more familiar with timing in music. I LOVE singing (Need to focus a bit on my vocals but hey). One of my favorite things to do is hang out with some friends and do our own renditions of songs of our choice. It's fun and rewarding in the end. 8 months ago I got together with my brother Kevin, and good friend Josh. We did a cover of a song from a band Called 'Rooney" The song is called "Can't Get Enough" (Now.. I have I big love, and variety for music. But I LOVE music that just makes you feel good, and want to dance!) I want to start writing my own material soon, but for now I need to focus on building other skills first. That will come down the road. I have done many covers and recordings with friends. But this one, is one of my favorites. We were up till almost 3am recording each part. My awesome buddy Josh mixed it all for us. If you listen with headphones you can hear all the little parts. You might have to give it a few listens. My favorite part is at the very end when Kevin says "there's nothing left to loosey?" Josh added a loop of vocals at the end that was bad cut. I (for some reason) combind 2 words into one HAHA, loose + see = loosey :) classic! The link bellow will let you listen to a recording we did last summer. This is a blooper remix. It has all the mistakes we made. But it sounds so fun! Kevin was on back up vocals, and shaky, and I believe guitar. Josh was on back up vocals, percussion, and bass. I was lead vocals, and (out of tune) piano. Check it! Enjoy! Good times fo sho!
I Can't Get Enough Cover (Blooper Remix)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's been been a long time!

(I was 26 when I last did a post, this is me now at 29) Almost 3 years to be exact!! Let's do a brief update from where I left off.

I have been thinking the past few weeks about writing in a journal or something. I have been taking note of various friends doing blogs. It seems like a good place to really write down those thoughts that mean the most to you.

3 years ago I had just moved into a friends downtown salt lake. I LOVED every minute of it! My lifestyle was completely different. I couldn't make up my mind on how I wanted live life haha. I currently live in Lehi and travel to salt lake everyday for work. I miss living in Salt Lake for various reasons, but I was in need of a change, and had to take control of my life.

So.. I remember telling myself years ago I would NEVER live in Utah County lol. Well.. Here I am! Living out here has brought me closer to some siblings. I am currently enrolled at Utah Valley University and studying Exercise Science. I have been going part time this past year while trying/working 40+ hours a week. My hours have come down a bit this semester, but it is still a challenge. Next semester I will be going full time, so the challenges continue :).

There are 4 things that make me the person I am today. Family, The gospel, Music, and fitness/athletics. In this post I want to focus on the first 2.

I come from a close family. I love spending as much time with my family as I can. If it wasn't for family I wouldn't be in the position I am right now. They strengthen me in so many ways. I anticipate the day that I have a little family of my own. Till that day arrives I am the best uncle that I can be. It's funny to think that an adult can look at little kid as an example. I look at my little nieces and nephews and see them as examples. I know how much they love their uncles. And I can see how they look up to us. That to me means so much, and feeds me daily with strength to be a worthy example.

I work for a company in salt lake called 3form. I have worked their for 7 years. Many people there have watched me grow in a lot of different ways. I have gained many friendships that i know will last many more years down the road. There is this guy at my work who is a member of the church. He has been inactive for several years. We have had conversations over the years about his views on the church. He has watched me strengthen my testimony and seen my love for the gospel grow within the past 2 years. We went out to lunch Tuesday afternoon. After we sat down with our food, he went right in and told me how he and his girlfriend have been meeting with the missionaries. Our conversation went more in depth on how he has the want and desire to baptize his daughter and other goals he has made. It really made me feel good to know that he feels comfortable talking to me about these things. We continued our conversation about the church today about being an example. It's funny because the word "example' has been floating around through many aspects of my life this past month, even in dating.

This Wednesday morning I woke up at 4:30am randomly and I couldn't fall back asleep. So I opened up my scriptures and started reading. I read a chapter in Nephi then got up to get ready for the work day. I had the feeling all day that I needed to go to the temple. The work day was long, and tiring. I arrived home after 4pm. cleaned up and headed to the Mount Timpanogos temple. When I arrived I got out of my car and realized that I had left my recommend on my desk at home. I still wanted to go, but it was getting late and i was exhausted. I went back home and grabbed my recommend an returned to the temple. I had never been to the temple by myself. I did some initiatory work, then sat in the temple and pondered. I still didn't know why I had the urge to come to the temple until right before i was ready to leave. I felt comfort and new I made the right decision to be there.

It's really surprising to see the changes I have made in my life the past few years, and how they have led me to this moment.

I have been blessed this past month with opportunities to use, and acknowledge my priesthood. It has humbled me lately in so many ways I couldn't imagine. I love the gospel and I love my family. :)