Sunday, July 7, 2013

(Almost) 9 Years In The Making.

Been a while sense my last post. I was meaning to write this weeks ago, but had been caught up in all the new changes.
 I have some catching up for you all. Let's see.... Where to begin.

Well.. A big change happened in my life about two months ago.  For the past 8 1/2 years I worked for a company called 3-Form.  During my time spent with the company, I had been in many different positions/departments. I started 3-form in the shipping department, from there I moved to Graveyard Shipping Clerk, Swing Shift Shipping Clerk, Production Floor, CNC Saw Operator,  Quality Control,  Lean Manufacturing, and Maintenance (Technician).
During my first few years with 3-form I tried the college thing. I didn't but all my effort into it, and ended up dropping out.  Years had past and I decided to give college another run. This time resorting myself to move to Utah County. While going to school at Utah Valley University (as mentioned in previous posts) I would commute from Lehi to SLC every day, adding Orem in the mix the days I would have class.
Anyway.. My time spent at 3-form had given me the opportunity to develop skills that I never had before. As well as helping me build, and grow other skill sets.

I had been looking for new employment for over a year, something that would be close to home in the Lehi/Utah County area. I had many interviews, but nothing was landing in my direction. So I continued to commute back and forth for work and school.
One day early May of this year, I received a phone call from an old friend/Co-worker. He was telling me about a position available. Wasn't that interested at the start, but then again I wanted change in the work field more then anything at that moment. As I gained more information about the company, and about the position, I thought to myself that this could be a good thing given my skill set.  As with starting any new job/career comes sacrifice, consequence, dilemmas,  and so on.
I had to think hard on this, put also act fast.  I went with my gut and decided to take a chance.

I'm sure it would be nerve racking for anyone leaving a job they had dedicated almost 9 years.  I had many thoughts on my mind as I decided to pursue this new position.  I felt like change was a good thing for me.

I now work for a company called Packsize, I have been with them for almost two months, sense taking this job many changes have come to place.
This is a company I can build a career with. It may not be the career I was looking for, or going to school for But... When opportunity strikes, you take a chance, and go with it full speed. I have the chance to grow immensely with this company, to bring my skills in, and advance them further then I can imagine.
The position I am in right now requires almost 100% travel. This had led me to put my schooling on hiatus for the time being.  It is sad in a way, but I am excited to see what adventures are ahead of me.
I get to travel and see things that many people may never see. Has it been challenging?... Of course! It has put a BIG dent in my dating life, schooling is on hold for who knows how long, and I recently moved back in the Salt Lake area.
The positives definitely out way the negatives at any moment, and that is where my focus needs to stay. If I continue to stay positive then everything else will fall into place in its due time.
Stay tuned for some crazy flight adventures that have (and yet to have had) all ready happened!