Sunday, July 7, 2013

(Almost) 9 Years In The Making.

Been a while sense my last post. I was meaning to write this weeks ago, but had been caught up in all the new changes.
 I have some catching up for you all. Let's see.... Where to begin.

Well.. A big change happened in my life about two months ago.  For the past 8 1/2 years I worked for a company called 3-Form.  During my time spent with the company, I had been in many different positions/departments. I started 3-form in the shipping department, from there I moved to Graveyard Shipping Clerk, Swing Shift Shipping Clerk, Production Floor, CNC Saw Operator,  Quality Control,  Lean Manufacturing, and Maintenance (Technician).
During my first few years with 3-form I tried the college thing. I didn't but all my effort into it, and ended up dropping out.  Years had past and I decided to give college another run. This time resorting myself to move to Utah County. While going to school at Utah Valley University (as mentioned in previous posts) I would commute from Lehi to SLC every day, adding Orem in the mix the days I would have class.
Anyway.. My time spent at 3-form had given me the opportunity to develop skills that I never had before. As well as helping me build, and grow other skill sets.

I had been looking for new employment for over a year, something that would be close to home in the Lehi/Utah County area. I had many interviews, but nothing was landing in my direction. So I continued to commute back and forth for work and school.
One day early May of this year, I received a phone call from an old friend/Co-worker. He was telling me about a position available. Wasn't that interested at the start, but then again I wanted change in the work field more then anything at that moment. As I gained more information about the company, and about the position, I thought to myself that this could be a good thing given my skill set.  As with starting any new job/career comes sacrifice, consequence, dilemmas,  and so on.
I had to think hard on this, put also act fast.  I went with my gut and decided to take a chance.

I'm sure it would be nerve racking for anyone leaving a job they had dedicated almost 9 years.  I had many thoughts on my mind as I decided to pursue this new position.  I felt like change was a good thing for me.

I now work for a company called Packsize, I have been with them for almost two months, sense taking this job many changes have come to place.
This is a company I can build a career with. It may not be the career I was looking for, or going to school for But... When opportunity strikes, you take a chance, and go with it full speed. I have the chance to grow immensely with this company, to bring my skills in, and advance them further then I can imagine.
The position I am in right now requires almost 100% travel. This had led me to put my schooling on hiatus for the time being.  It is sad in a way, but I am excited to see what adventures are ahead of me.
I get to travel and see things that many people may never see. Has it been challenging?... Of course! It has put a BIG dent in my dating life, schooling is on hold for who knows how long, and I recently moved back in the Salt Lake area.
The positives definitely out way the negatives at any moment, and that is where my focus needs to stay. If I continue to stay positive then everything else will fall into place in its due time.
Stay tuned for some crazy flight adventures that have (and yet to have had) all ready happened!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Songs You Grow To Like Never Stick At First.

Okay so.. This post is going to be somewhat different then my previous ones.
I have shared with you all before that I have a passion for music. This last Tuesday the 16th of April. One of my favorite bands released it's first album in 5 years. That band would be Fall Out Boy.  I first heard of Fall Out Boy in 2002. I went to a show with my brother Scott, and they had been one of the opening bands. They started played a song, I remembered hearing it somewhere. It was cool to see a few people (no more then 6) in the crowd dance, and sing along to the songs. While others enjoyed what they were hearing, and at the same time trying to figure out who this band was.
 2 years had past since that show, and I had become a big fan. I was really into the pop/punk scene back then. I saw that MEST (One of my favorite bands back then) had announced a tour with Fall Out Boy. They played in Salk Lake on February 13, 2004.  It was cool to see how the fan base had grown for them in two years.
It wasn't long after, that FOB had it's first headlining tour. By then I had gotten My little brother Kevin into them. I noticed they had a stop in Salt Lake, so I had boughten 3 tickets. I took My brothers Kevin, and Scott. The show was Friday, April 1, 2005. Just shortly Under 2 weeks before Kevin was to leave on his mission (April 13, 2005) We found out at the show FOB was releasing a new album May 3rd that year.  Kevin and I pre-ordered the album so we could meet the band. Kevin told the drummer he was going on a church mission in 2 weeks and wont be able to listen to the record till he gets home, and by then you guys might have another album out. He was right haha.
That was a really fun night, one I won't forget.
Their new album is titled "Save Rock And Roll" I was SO excited when I found out they recorded a new album. The first single from it is titled "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark" It is full of energy and rock.  It had me thinking this album is going to be different then their previous work. I was right! The second single fallows the first. It is a solid powerful rock anthem titled "Phoenix" So that being said, and along with the name of the album, that this was going to be a "Rock"record.  I was excited, I like the direction they decided to head in. After listening to the album I  have to say I was really disappointed at first. The language is different, they swear a lot more in this album then in previous ones, It was not what I was expecting, and not what they advertised it to be. They still have a little pop sound in a song or two.  The album definitely doesn't hold up to its name "Save Rock And Roll"
 I do have to say.. The more I listen to it, the more I get a different feel for it. I don't like the whole album, but it seems that a good portion of the songs are growing on me. I think the best tracks from the album are the following.
2. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
3. Alone Together
5. Just One Yesterday
7. Miss Missing You
9. Young Volcanoes
11. Save Rock And Roll (Feat. Elton John)

This is more then half the album. I remember a song FOB had on their "Take This To Your Grave" album titled "Dead On Arrival"  Their is a lyric in this song that has stuck with me for years. If you think about it, it is very true.
"This is side one, flip me over. I know I'm not your favorite record. THE SONGS YOU GROW TO LIKE, NEVER STICK AT FIRST."
How true is that? I can recall countless times that I have heard a song and told myself I hate it. Next thing I'll notice... a few weeks down the road I'm listening to it voluntarily.
I think my favorite song on this album is The title track of the record ( Save Rock And Roll)
If you are a FOB fan you will notice at the beginging of the song it brings in lyrics from "Chicago Is So Two Years Ago" (from "Take This To Your Grave").  Elton John is what makes this song in my opinion. The lyrics are okay, I am more enthused by the arrangement of the music.
I was expecting more from this album. But I am sure I will grow to like it the way I do others.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Yay! It's The (Conference) Weekend!!

Wow..What a busy busy weekend. It has been filled with Family, friends, and other loved ones.  I think The past 2 nights I have averaged a good 4 maybe 5 hours of sleep haha.  Some good friends of mine finally had their baby. A cute little baby girl named Tayliegh. She is so adorable.  I went to visit them friday evening straight from work. I brought them Sushi because that is what the mama had been craving for so long. We sat there and visited for about 45 minutes. I then felt they needed some alone time so I went on my way home. Later that night I went to my brothers (Kevin) in-laws house, where He had planned a surprise birthday party for his wife. It was super fun! While I was getting ready to say the prayer to bless the food, I told their boy Lincoln (2 yrs. old) to fold his arms. He then looked around the room, then looked up at me and got a big smile on his face and says TIBBY! It made my day to hear that precious little voice. I then conversed with friends I haven't seen in a while.  Then it was off to play "Just Dance" on the Wii. I have to say that I am horrible at that game. So I couldn't get the video to load on here, but if you copy and past this link it will send you to the video on my Facebook. It should pull it up for you. It is so worth the watch. I am awesome and cannot dance (unless its to Katy Perry) haha.

I hope everybody had a chance to watch at least some of conference this weekend.  I had the opportunity to attend the Saturday afternoon session, as well as Sunday afternoon session (with two individuals that I admire).  The older that I get, the more I have come to love and enjoy conference, I'm sure that is true for most of us.  Their are so many things that can be said about all the talks. So many remarkable stories have been shared.
Last night (Saturday) I was able to watch/listen to the priesthood session with my Dad and two brothers.  It was wonderful to hear to the words from Robert D. Hale who was the evenings first speaker. This talk hit home for me in MANY different reasons. (I'm sure those who know me understand why)  He Mentioned  how we live in "dark times". The world will keep moving, but the church will remain constant. "If we are faithful, the armor of god will be given to us as a gift from god, we need this armor. Put on the whole armor of god.  Think about that for a minute. What does it mean to put on the whole armor of god? I pondered this late Saturday night as I was driving home. To me, the "armor of god" means fulfilling your priesthood duties, magnifying your callings, surrounding yourself with good influences. By doing so we will become more like him.   I really liked how he mentioned "A true friend doesn't ask us to choose between the gospel, a true friend strengthens us, and protects us. 
We need to be prepared for what is to come. Always be prepared, always be ready.  Heavenly father has a plan for all of us. We need to make sure we are doing the right things so that when opportunity strikes, we are ready. 
This is just one of the many talks that I enjoyed this weekend. 
Yes this blog is short, but in all honesty... I can go on and on. I would love for you all to copy and past this link bellow and listen to this talk. Granted it was from the priesthood session. I feel though that many of us can gain something from this. If I didn't, I wouldn't have shared this.  :) 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Missionary work is all around us

I wanted to write this post Sunday evening, but couldn't find the time with everything going on.  Sunday evening I attended a church fireside that was held for my stake.  I heard about it a few weeks ago in elders quorum and it sounded interesting to attend. The topic of the fireside was "Missionary work". All though I didn't serve a mission, I still felt I can gain something from attending. As I arrived and looked around to see if I noticed anyone, I found a seat in the back.  I started looking around and noticed a few people from my ward. I also noticed that the chapel was full of so many young individuals, such as return missionaries, high school seniors, and many others that may be preparing to serve a mission.  This made me feel a little out of place, and also had me realize that I have 1 year left in the singles ward. HA, I guess I will be going to a family ward come then, I will be eaten alive in the mid-singles adult ward.

I really enjoyed the talks that had been given at the fireside. It had me reflect on lessons I had given in sunday school, as well as a talk I gave in sacrament. We are all to be examples of Christ in all that we do. We are all missionaries. Just because we don't have a name tag doesn't mean people wont notice us.  We do missionary work in ways without even knowing, such as being an example. If we live righteously, people will notice. It is all around us in various ways.

Here is a talk I gave in sacrament meeting almost a year and a half ago.  It is about being an example, and can also be related to missionary work. I might have shared this with some of you before, but thats okay.

I work in a big factory with a large variety of different people. One of my hobbies is staying fit, and being active. Before the school semester started, I would go to the gym 5 to 6 times a week. I can honestly say that at least once a week I have someone who will come up to me at work and ask me for some sort of advice on fitness. It makes me feel really good about myself, and helps me notice that I am accomplishing something and I look forward to that almost every week. If I wasn’t physically fit, working out and doing what I told them to do, then I could not BE that example or that motivation to the person who is looking to get themselves back into shape.

In Lynn G Robins Talk from last April General Conference, he said,
“The Savior often denounced those who did without being—calling them hypocrites: “This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Mark 7:6). To do without to be is hypocrisy, or feigning to be what one is not—a pretender.
Conversely, to be without to do is void, as in “faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone” (James 2:17; emphasis added). Be without do really isn’t being—it is self-deception, believing oneself to be good merely because one’s intentions are good.
Do without BE- Hypocrisy portrays a false image to others, while BE without DO, portrays a false image to one’s self. James 2; 17 reads: “Even so faith; if it hath not works is dead being alone”

I can think of a time in my life not too long ago, where this scripture plays out perfectly. About a year and a half ago I was living in downtown salt lake. I would work 50 plus hours a week and it really wore me out. Then came the weekend and I would sleep in till noon and then I would go out with friends till all hours of the night. Sunday would come around and I had church at 9am. I told myself I was going to sleep in. My roommates would even come and try to get me up, but I would just ignore them. Well… weeks went by and I kept doing the same thing. I started noticing a change. My daily prayers and scripture reading turned to weekly, monthly, then just disappeared. I was living the word of wisdom. I wasn’t doing anything wrong (so I thought), and at the same time I wasn’t doing anything right. I was just coasting, I wasn’t committed to anything and my life began to feel empty and even though I tried to deny it, I knew why. That carried on for a bit longer and I even had friends and family notice things where off a bit. After talking with a friend about this I finally realized what has been missing. I needed to make some changes in my lifestyle and most importantly I needed to make changes in myself.

I love being an uncle. I have many nieces and 2 nephews ranging from 12yrs old to 2 months. They look up to me in many ways, and I look up to them and their great examples of trust, faith and good works. I look at them and I know what I need to DO. I need to BE that example. They are depending on me to be there for them. The same goes with certain friends, family, and even co-workers. Some may not be members of the church, some may be inactive. Many people I come in contact with may see me as the only person they know who is a member of the church. Either way, I know that I need to be a righteous example. We all have struggles and trials we deal with, and I have learned the past few years that the trials don’t go away, they just change direction. I feel it is our job as Latter- day Saints to overcome our challenges and problems and rise above them. Trials are given to us to grow and that is how we learn. This is part of Heavenly Father’s plan.
We as Latter -day Saints are counseled to be as Christ like as much as we can possibly be.. It’s not an easy thing to do, I’m sure we can all relate. But if we are doing what we have been taught, those things that we know to be true, if we are living the gospel to the fullest, I promise you, it won’t go unnoticed. Everyone is looking for an example in many different ways. So ask yourselves this. ” What manner of men and women ought we be? “Let us BE that example, and leader.
3 Nephi 27:21
To become as He is, we must also do the things He did: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do”

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Everything Has It's Reasoning.

Okay Okay peeps. Sorry it's been ANOTHER minute, But I promise I will start to pay more attention to this thing haha.
 So... it's been.....shy over 4 months since my last post. Time to catch you up! Well Last school semester didn't go as planned. Sad to say it turns out I am not superman after all.  I took on 13 credit hrs, while working full-time. Okay so a lot of you out there can do that. That's awesome, unfortunately I am not one of them. Turns out its harder for those with A.D.D. Who knew right?... So that being said I moved  back to part time school, and full-time work. I am still working in Salt Lake for 3-form. Been looking for a work closer to home. All though I miss SLC for certain reasons, I really don't feel like moving back. I have grown to like it in Lehi. I have made many friends the past 2 years, plus I enjoy going to UVU. I am looking for work near home, but at the same time very thankful to have a job that supports my needs.
SO... I have been going through some motions the past 6 months. Like I have said before in a previous post. We all have our vices we deal with. I live in a house that is probably not the best place for someone trying to aspire in their beliefs. I did very well for a long time. It's so funny how you think you can be so invisible from sin, but then when you least expect it BOOM! You've made a mistake.  Granted, nobody is perfect. That's why we have repentance.  It's so easy to slip away without even knowing. It can start from something simple like not saying your daily prayers, then moves onto scripture study. From there.. You miss sacrament meeting, or all your church meetings. Their are reasons why we are told to say daily prayers, and study the scriptures.
Think of all we do in our daily lives that can distract us from living righteously.Just going to church on sunday sometimes isn't enough. We take the sacrament every sunday to remind us of the covenants we have made, to be forgiven.  We need to be studying the scriptures, and saying daily prayers.
This past week I have been reading/watching/listening to a talk given in last Octobers session of General Conference. It was given by Elder David A. Bednar. Titled "Converted To The Lord"
As members of the church, we all have a testimony, but what does it mean to be converted to the lord?
Conversion requires persistence and patience, as well as humility.  When Reading this over and over,one thing he said really stuck out and hit me.
"Testimony alone is not, and will not be enough to protect us in the latter-day storm of darkness and evil in which we are living. Testimony is important and necessary, but not sufficient to provide the spiritual strength and protection we need."
To me... being converted to the lord means service, charity, love, being examples to those all around you.
Scriptures come in many forms. They are given to us by prophets of old, as well as living prophets. Church magazines, Through others around us.
It's so easy to do, but at the same time...So easy to fall away. I love this talk, and I encourage others to read it.
I know who I am, and I know where I want to be. Sometimes we fall, and maybe the reason we fall sometimes is to show others they are not alone. That we all go through this. Sometimes we need help from others to get there. Everything has it's reasoning. It's our job to figure out what means.